Firesky Studios
Content seo is crucial for success in today’s digital landscape
A range of ethical and user centric interventions to bring about improved results in the search engines.
Page structure, content analysis, recommendations on creating high value content.
Google My Business, local search, schema, aquiring natural links through high value content.
Onpage seo, title & meta description, keyword targeting, CTR, analysis, modules, same as schema.
Same as schema, performance and speed optimisation, testing reports, analyses of website structure.
Competitor analyses, keyword analysis, topic research, reports, insights, guidance.
Traffic analysis, market expore, traffic rank.
Keyword gap analysis.
Organic research, advertising reasearch, new doamin name recommendations.
We will identify and then make recommendations on how to improve your website page results.
On-page optimisation is the SEO work directly applied to a web page.
We help business with insights and interventions on how to optimally set up their website effeefectively. The aim is to work with the existing content and match the relevant target keyword or phrase to page content.
The focus here is to structure the page so that the H1, H2 and H3 tags are set up correctly. Helping to create compelling and relevant descriptions that reflect the content.
We look at the basic SEO stuff as well as more indepth aspects to onpage optimisation.
Compelling title and page description can result in a higher click-through rate.
Why paying attention to CTR ( click through rate ) is important? If you can’t get people to click through to your site then you can’t get any website traffic. Even if your page has great content and has what the user is looking for, if your CTR is low, then you are not going to get the amount of traffic going to your site.
We work on the click-through rates versus impressions served in the SERPS. This means working not just on a compelling and richer description, we look at the source content to make sure that what the listing promises full fills the users needs as much as possible.
We will identify and then make recommendations to improve this area for our clients.
A fast and responsive website along with good usability and navigation structure are just some of the factors we can help with to improvements in this area.
We help and provide interventions on multiple aspects relating to our clients mobile websites.
Apects we work on include, speed, display, usability and content strategy.
How your website is structured has a bearing on your SEO results. If you’re starting a completely new website you’re in a perfect position to plan or have a web designer develop out site structure for the best SEO possible.
Website structure will do an analysis of the site. look at the page structure and other variables. We then make recommendations when these need improving on. How your website is structured, what type of framework underpinning the site and how the site architecture is set up have a bearing on your SEO results.
However with an existing site then the structure can be put in place depending on the core framework itself. If the core framework needs to be upgraded to a higher performing one, we do recommend this before doing site structure work. We will do work on the site architecture, navigation, hierarchy and URL structure provided the core framework underpinning the site performs.
53% of users will leave a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Page load time is important and ranking signal in Google.
Website speed helps to enhance the user experience especially on mobile where bandwidth is not as high as desktop devices. Speed improvements to your site play a role in ranking. Learn more here make the web faster.
Fact 73% of mobile users encounter slow loading pages. 52% of online shoppers admitted that a fast page load is important to their site loyalty. Gain more on page speed here Page speed insights.
Schema provides additional information to the user when your website is listed in Google’s search engine results page.
Schema is essentially code that is inserted on a website so that search engines can process the data. It is a way to tell the search engine very accurately what a particular page is about, as opposed to just saying, which is typically done through the page’s content.